Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trend or Fail: Ashley Olsen

By Natalie Naccarato

I always find that the Olsen sister's style really divides people. You either hate or love what they wear, and you most certainly have a favourite - MK or Ashley.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE what they do for fashion! They're inspiring and fearless when it comes to clothing. Everyday seems like dress up for them - wouldn't it be for you as well if you had their bank accounts?
Personally, I prefer Ashley's style. It's usually more classic and flattering than MK's. But Mary-Kate's sartorial choices often inspire me as well. These sisters are true trend setters. Which begs the question: how do you know when something they wear will take off or when it will just fall flat? I found myself asking this question when I spotted Ashley wearing this to a Belvedere Vodka party earlier this week:

It's the 90's all over again with the ankle length (is that flannel!?) plaid skirt plucked right from the Marc Jacobs for Perry Ellis 1992 grunge collection and I'm pretty sure those are my sandals from 1998 that I thought were pretty freakin' cool at the time!
Anyways, my point is this: Even though this outfit has been blogged about as a bit of a fashion disaster this week we have to keep in mind that this is an OLSEN, and they don't play by our civilian fashion rule book. They wear what everyone will be lusting after in 2 years.

So, do you think we'll be seeing this skirt on every other girl walking down Queen West in the next couple years?

Lets take a look at the Olsen Sister Trend Track Record shall we?
2004: Ashley rocks a menswear inspired blazer to the U.S. Open and MK dons a very long cardigan shortly before both styles boom into trend sensations:

Flash forward to NOW: Ladies everywhere are still wearing both trends.

2007: MK is spotted rocking a flannel plaid top and sky-high ankle boots:

Flash forward to NOW: Oh, what a surprise, ladies are still keeping these trends alive even though MK and Ash have long since moved on. When we look at this photo now there really is nothing shocking about it, however I remember the response at the time was much the same to the current response Ashley's green plaid skirt is getting.

2007: Here we have Ashley rocking a wide headband:

Flash Forward a few years: Girls are still buying up these statement making headbands.

After taking a look at the many trends the Olsen's have inspired I'm willing to bet that Ashley's long plaid skirt wont be looking so strange to us in about a year or two. Fashion is always changing, yet repeating. So Ashley's 90's inspired look shouldn't be all that surprising to us. The 90's have been making quite a comeback recently - what with all the velvet, flower mini dresses, and doc martens currently on the streets. Now we just have to wait for our eyes to adjust to this green plaid flannel and soon many of you will be lusting after long plaid skirts and minimalistic sandals. And the fashion consumerism train chugs along...
I must say though, I am not looking forward to a revival for those sandals ... they should just remain at my grade 7 school dance where they belong!

Photo Credits: and

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog.

    I liked what you had to say, but more so, it was hilarious! Especially the last line!!!
